Health Tech Digital: What is Reverse Bed Chain and how can it improve A&E efficiency?

Navenio’s CEO, Connie Moser, shared her thoughts with Health Tech Digital on the role of Reverse Bed Chain in improving A&E efficiency.

A&E is the front door of hospitals and where treatment times and critical care are needed the most. Staff are under pressure, and funding and resources are failing to keep up with demand. Without innovative and immediate solutions, tragic and avoidable outcomes will continue to take place. But are these waiting times a resource problem, or a flow problem? 

Long waiting times in a patient’s journey often come down to inefficiencies with patient flow, staff flow and resource allocation. Even with more resources (which are needed), without methods that can improve flow across a hospital, problems will persist. 

A new strategy using Navenio’s technology that is rapidly influencing how hospitals operate is Reverse Bed Chain (RBC). RBC optimises patient flow by synchronising multiple patient movements while also allocating staff and equipment in the most optimal way. Through this approach, the strategy can achieve a ‘continuous flow’ of patients, staff and resources. 

For now, RBC is still one of the NHS’ best-kept secrets. But the crisis needs a popular solution, and its wider adoption could help transform efficiency in A&E. 

Within the full article, Connie continues to discuss:

  • Reverse Bed Chain (RBC): As a solution, RBC aims to streamline patient flow by synchronising movements, staff allocation, and resource optimisation, creating a continuous real-time flow of patients, staff, and resources.
  • Causes of delays: Rather than a resource issue, research suggests A&E pressures arise from inefficiencies in patient movement, longer stays, discharge delays, and operational coordination failures.
  • Real-Time Location Services (RTLS): RBC uses RTLS technology for precise tracking of patient, staff, and equipment locations, enabling smart task assignment based on proximity, reducing waiting times and improving overall flow.
  • Impact on NHS, staff, and patients: RBC has the potential to enhance A&E efficiency without extra resource investment. It empowers staff by simplifying task allocation, addressing workforce issues, and providing a better experience for patients.

Read the full article on Health Tech Digital here. To learn more about Navenio’s technology, read more here.